Thursday, 26 January 2017

7 Things to do when you receive your first salary

Your first salary might give you a sense of independence and boosts your confidence. And, the first thing you usually think of doing, when you get your first salary, is to buy something for your parents or give a party to your close friends and family. You could also splurge it entirely on yourself. While it is understandable to enjoy your first salary, you should also think of possible ways to make the most out of your salary. Your real financial journey starts when you receive your first regular paycheck and it is your responsibility to use it wisely.
Here are things to do when you receive your first salary:

Make a budget

A budget will help you plan your expenses and find possible ways to save. You know how much money you will receive each month. List all the necessary expenses you will incur for the month and see if you can reduce any of those expenses. For example, if you travel by a cab to your work then you can cut down on the travel cost by opting for public transport like bus, metro, etc. Knowing your monthly expense budget will help you determine how much money is left with you to invest and save.

Set your goals

Goal setting is important to know how much money you will need in a few years from now. Understand what are your short term and your long term goals. Accordingly, start saving for them. For example, your short term goal is to buy a car, then, you have to save as per the cost of the car you plan to buy.

Invest in financial products

After setting your goals and making a budget, you need to choose in which financial products you want to invest. And for this, it is important to learn about various financial products available in the market. As you have just started earning, your risk appetite will be high and so, you can try investing aggressively.

Open a recurring deposit/term deposit

Since you have just started out, you might not be able to keep aside a large amount to invest. You can open a recurring deposit account and start saving little every month. Or, after a few months if you are able to save larger amount then you can also think of investing in fixed deposit, which can fetch you interest of around 7 to 8 percent per annum.

Start an emergency fund

Right from the beginning, start keeping aside a part of your salary as an emergency fund. Emergencies can come in your life at any point of time. You need to be prepared for the small emergencies and protect yourself from financial difficulties they would caude in the future.

Get yourself insured

Your emergency fund might help you in case of small financial emergencies but, insurance will take care of larger financial emergencies like accident, critical illness or even death (to take care of your dependents). Getting insured might not be a priority to you right now, but, it is better to take insurance from the start of your career and benefit by having to pay less premium.

Start planning for retirement

You should start planning for your retirement from now itself. The earlier you start the more benefits you will get in the future. Most companies have an employee’s PPF scheme. If the company you are working at does not provide this facility then you can open a PPF account on your own in any nationalized bank. You also get tax benefits by opening a PPF which helps you save more. Apart from PPF there are various financial products available in the market to help you save for your retirement.

Friday, 20 January 2017

6 ways that can help you get selected for a job in 2017

While a whole lot is going to change in the recruitment space in 2017, you must also need to brace yourself up to get that dream job. Image Enterprises asked industry experts how should job-seekers prepare to get selected for a job in 2017
Job selection has always been a nerve racking experience. Everybody gets the jitters when it comes to a job selection.
“The very first thing to get ahead in a job interview is to overcome the nervousness,” she says.

Below we list 6 ways that can help you get selected for a job in 2017:

Plan your communication strategy:

Brijesh Vamdev, Chief Operating Officer, Coursera says, “Your interviewer is trying to figure out what you’re capable of in the short space of a one-hour meeting – sometimes less – so it’s critical to be comprehensive and clear in all your answers.” Also, the importance of non-verbal communication cannot be undervalued.

Be active on social media & job portals:

Social networking for job search now-a-days plays an important role in today’s life. “Being active on social media sites plays a vital role in getting people hired in reputed organisations,” says Arti.

Position yourself as a missing puzzle piece:

During the interview explain how you’ll fit into the company. To do this you should read well about the company. “Study the company and the role you will be responsible for, well in advance,” says Arti. “Demonstrate that you’ve thought about how your goals, values, and skills align with the company’s mission,” adds Arti also advices job-seekers to get details about the expectations and targets for the role applied for. “This shows that you take initiative and you are serious about the job,” she says.

Customize your application:

As your CV is the first thing hiring managers will see, it must contain the right keywords and phrases for each specific job posting, to be noticed. “Use short sentences about your work, sell yourself, use descriptive words and bullet points, be clear, and don’t lie,” recommends Koshal. “Your resume, cover letter, and follow-up emails should include details that you’ve specifically selected to explain why you’re the perfect fit for the specific role,” says Tarun.
Leave a first good impression in your interview: There are few points to consider before your interview, suggests Arti:
– Show up on time
– Dress with modesty
– Smile and make eye contact
– Be clear on it, prepare your answers (why do you want this job? salary expectations?)
– Be confident & be yourself
– Highlight your accomplishments

Ask questions & follow up:

This is one of the most important parts of getting selected for a job. “A company will tell you what’s in it for you, but you’ve got to read between the lines and ask honest questions for your final selection. And make a follow up call with the interviewer or employer. Following up gives you the chance to make sure you add a thought in employer mind that you add value to the organisation,”

7 Things which must go from your resume in 2017

First impressions matters the most, and the first impression that a potential employer will have of you, is dependent on how you present your resume.
Studies suggest that a recruiter only spends less than ten seconds looking at a resume, so it is imperative that it makes the right impression.
With an increasingly competitive job market, a professional resume with just the right amount of information, is what would catch the attention on any recruiter. It is such a resume, crafted in a concise manner, that will stand out amongst the countless other resume that potential employers will be sifting through, giving you the best possible chance of getting their attention.

Here are seven distractors which mean nothing to the recruiter while scrutinising your resume.

1. Summary Statement instead of Objective

Generic objectives have now become a cliché. Objective statements need to be replaced with a personalised summary statement that would serve as an elevator pitch. This should be a well-crafted brief paragraph that give insights on what you are best at doing, interests and the value- add you would be contributing to your prospective employer. Summarise your job goals and qualifications for the reader.

2. Inappropriate E-mail / Contact info

Contact details, email id in specific, should be professional ones. In that, addresses with crazy names or ones that are offensive in nature would have to be saved for personal use only – definitely cannot be used when you are seeking a job. It would be good to have an id exclusively for your job-search and networking activities. Avoid putting multiple phone numbers. Double check your resume, make sure it carries your personal email id and contact number, and not those from your current workplace.

3. Relevant Personal Information

The resume should focus on your professional capabilities. Keeping this in mind, personal details such as ethnicity, and religious / spiritual beliefs can be excluded. Unless you are a fresh graduate personal hobbies have no place in the resumes, unless they are directly related to you line of work. These are of no value- add to experienced professionals while seeking a job, unless asked specifically by the prospective employer.

4. Avoid Tables and Images

Every organization adapts an online applicant tracking system, known as an ATS system. Embedding tables or images in your resume, content of any format in the the actual Header and Footer sections of the Word document, can scramble the application in these systems. Hence avoid all of these.

5. Maintain Uniform Font

Arial, Calibri, Cambria, Tahoma, Book Antiqua or Franklin Gothic, are some the fonts one should be choosing from while crafting the resume. These are fonts that are easy to read and would be picked up easily by any organisations’ ATS as well. Every employer would need a version of your resume that can be easily uploaded, deconstructed and stored in their online ATS. Hence keep any creative design, (if it is part of your job) for your online portfolio only.

6. Focus on Related Information

Be focused while crafting the resume. Any information that is irrelevant to your target job goals would have no place in the resume. If it cannot be linked as a contributor or enhancer of your professional skill sets, it is not going to be of any use to the recruiter. Do not digress.

7. Focus on The Present

For an experienced professional, any experience outside a 15 year time period is considered too old and is not given any weightage. List your career progression in the reverse chronological order, as is preferred by most recruiters. Removing dates from any degrees, certifications or awards that fall outside that 15-year window is yet another suggestion. Fresh graduates and entry level professionals need to highlight their education and relevant achievements, internships with a brief outline, and any leadership skills and professional skills developed in the college days. Most often than not, we find resumes still carrying details of higher education and the achievements there off. It is the most recent work experience that any recruiter would focus on and how relevant it is for the position one is being considered for.
Although 10 seconds comes across as a cursory glance, it is this one glance that could have a huge impact on your career. Your resume is a very important document and it is through this important piece of document that the recruiter gets to know you, the first impression that he builds on you, and decides whether or not to shortlist you as a prospective candidate.
Spend quality time on crafting your resume detailing only the most crucial information giving no room for irrelevant details. Include keywords relevant to your profession and industry that could highlight your resume on online searches.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

3 key lessons on communicating better at work

On most days, while sitting in the office, we are often in such a rush to get somewhere that we often don’t realise what may have fallen out of our mental bandwagon. Who has the time to stop and see if our thinking wheels are getting worn out, or that we may have tripped over people’s feelings and still not care? We are in such a hurry to get things done that we think it is the job of the other person to interpret our replies. It would be good if they get it else should have been smarter!

Shakespeare once said, “Brevity is the soul of wit” but in trying to follow Shakespeare word to word without thinking of the caveat, we can end up burning our own fingers.

I am busy

This is the cliche of the working population and there are no exceptions. An expression often used on near and dear ones because, heck, they aren’t going anywhere and that they would ‘eventually understand’. After all, everything comes with a price and why should they be spared the agony of being associated with us. But with time ‘I am busy’ becomes so trite that any apology we may extend for missing a phone call or missing a birthday party is met with an equally trite expression, flavoured with a tinge of disappointment or sarcasm ‘I know you were busy’. So, instead of branding every situation as ‘I am busy’, it may be well worth to spend a few extra seconds and say what is it that is keeping us busy, like “I am in a meeting, I am replying to an important email, or that I am speaking to someone right now …and I will call you back.” And, we do call back. There is no greater sin than breaking promises.

Ask, don’t assume

The importance of this statement cannot be overemphasized. Once I was working on an important project under a cross-functional team and somehow a critical decision was not getting made and there was a danger of the project getting derailed. Out of disappointment and frustration, I just blurted out to one of the stakeholders ‘decisions never really get made here.’ Without reacting to what I said, he immediately asked ‘what do you mean when you say decisions never really get made here?’
I explained to him that I was just getting tired of getting everyone on the same page and was concerned that we may miss the deadline. He not only understood my anguish but also only helped me in moving ahead with the project. Now when I look back I think what if he had interpreted my statement as a personal attack? But he was wiser. He had the sensibility to ask and not assume. It is one of the biggest lessons I have learned and now I always adhere to it. After all, it is not always about ‘you’.

Understand when the time is wrong and explain when the time is right

In the midst of a raging corporate storm, despite being provoked, there is absolutely no need to shout. Has anyone ever got heard that way? In these situations, it is best to avoid the urge to react and rather one must take the time to step back and understand- not only the other person but also our own emotions. It is important to see things in a broader context to get a clear picture. It is best not to try to ‘set things right’ at this time because when the emotions are running high, the other party simply ‘won’t get it’ even if we are speaking for the betterment of the situation. They may reject our point outright or look for a better way to get back at us. So, when the time is wrong it is best to just absorb and understand.
When the storm has calmed down and the person is open to listening- just explain your point of view and take the time to explain. The other person is not a mind reader. And if you express you point genuinely people do get it, whether they accept it or not. And, then listen- genuinely listen to what they have to say, whether you accept it or not.
Furthermore, it would take some effort on our part to differentiate the work from the doer. It is best to point out the mistake without blaming the person. The focus should be on encouraging the other person to realise that ‘they are better than that.’ And, once it’s done- agree to draw a line below it. For once it’s over, it’s over.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

How to Get a Better Job in 2017

2017 is shaping up to be a great year for job seekers— the labor market is strong, wages are rising, and companies are eager to hire. If “landing a new gig” tops your list of resolutions, there’s a good chance you’ll soon get your wish.
The job hunt won’t be a cakewalk, though. According to a new report from consulting firm Dale Carnegie, competition will be stiff, with 41% of India employees actively looking for a new job or planning on doing so within the next year.
To keep your resume out of the trash bin, you’ll need to find a way to stick out. We asked career experts across the country to give us their best tips for elbowing your way past the competition.

5 Creative Career Goals to Improve Your Job Prospects in 2017

Your artistry and skills are in high demand. Some of the hottest creative positions right now are in graphic design, user experience (UX) design and web design, But even though your job prospects are good, you shouldn’t wait around for offers to fall in your lap. Set these career goals in the new year to truly take advantage of the current job market.
Intimidated by the thought of mapping out your professional future? Don’t be. The process doesn’t have to be daunting, and it may even be exciting and inspirational. The key is to make sure all of your career goals are SMART:Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound.
Take a look at five ways to improve your marketability and amp up your job prospects in 2017.

5 Creative Career Goals & Strategies for a More Successful 2017

1. Become a “dual threat.”

In football, dual threats are quarterbacks who can run as well as they throw. To succeed in today’s creative environment, you must also be able to do more than one thing well. That’s because hybrid professionals—for example, graphic designers who are familiar with web layouts or social media – are in high demand. Consider expanding your skill set as one of your career goals for 2017.

2. Get a certification or degree.

In the design field, your digital portfolio and years of experience are largely what gets you in the door. However, many employers give preference to candidates with some college education, while others require a bachelor’s degree. If you are at a place in your life where additional schooling is a possibility, include this as you update your career goals. Not only will your design skills improve with additional formal education, but so will your job prospects.
Certifications also help your resume stand out. Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) offers a variety of single product, specialist and master certifications. If you’re a project manager interested in leading UX programs, the PM-UX is a good option. For 2017, make it a career goal to pursue a post-secondary degree or industry credential.

3. Make connections.

Building your network is also an excellent way to improve your job prospects. Join your local AIGA chapter and make it a point to get to know creative professionals in your area. And consider picking at least one national design conference,
Regardless of your methods, set measurable goals to help you connect with other creative professionals.

4. Define your brand.

Do you have a personal brand? Whether you’re a full-time employee or a freelancer, make it one of your career goals to develop or update your brand, which can be a powerful tool when job searching. Set aside a few hours to identify your style, philosophy and values, and think about what differentiates you from every other designer out there.
Then market yourself. Social media is a natural place to build your brand. Possible career goals include tweeting more regularly, creating video clips for your Facebook account and curating a stunning Instagram page. Measure your progress with digital analytics and media tracking tools. A solid brand presence goes a long way in boosting your job prospects.

5. Work with a mentor.

A knowledgeable mentor can provide helpful advice and encouragement at any stage of your career. Identify a design mentor and ask if he or she would be willing to meet with you once a month. Spell out your objectives beforehand, such as to become a more effective communicator or to prepare yourself for management. Be sure to agree on how long the formal relationship will last. After all, the role of a good mentor is to prepare you to fly solo.
Setting career goals is more than a New Year’s resolution. It is the launching pad for getting smarter about the industry, improving your job prospects and landing the design job that’s the best fit for you.

Monday, 9 January 2017

6 tips to outshine others at campus placements

Campus placement is the first bet for any graduate seeking employment. Given the large number of graduates stepping out of colleges in India, companies are very cautious about who they pick and for what roles. And somehow, the placement offered – along with the pay package has become a barometer for the institution’s success and individual’s career prospects also.
“Campus Placement is one of the big events in management campuses of India and the placement season is just about to begin in various top institutes in this country,” says Prof. Andrew Dutta from MDI Gurgaon. He elaborates, “Although on account of the recent demonetization companies are appearing bullish about their headcount uptake for the next fiscal, top campuses are very jubilant on the onset of the placement season.”

He also shares tips for the outgoing batches in MBA colleges must remember during placement are as below:

1. Keep a tight control over your disengagement quotient:
Though many are not aware, medical studies abroad are showing high levels of nomophobia among Gen Y. The MBA grads of India, who are Gen Ys, are no different and have high levels of disengagement with their environment.
Life is happening while they are busy texting or ear-plugged. Attitudinal issues related to disengagements show up during the interviews. And although a large majority of recruiters flocking MBA campuses are not properly trained to identify talents, yet they can easily spot someone with low levels of engagement that shows up as long-standing bad habits cultivated during the two years of management education.
2. Know your company and industry:
Surveys conducted among recruiters show that more than half of the candidates have no idea about the company they have applied and the industry constructs in which that company operates. MBA education is India is far from maturity and few institutes have the rigor that corporates admire. So, it makes a lot of sense for the candidate sitting in the placement or campus hiring that they do sift through substantial information about the company and its industry. Preparation about the company you are applying for and its industry is one of the master keys.
3. Say “I don’t know” if need be:
It’s a fact of life that today that in an information economy we cannot know everything which is happening around us. And more so, if you have not done any reading about your company and industry. But that apart, even if you are asked a tough domain question in your interview and you don’t know the right answer, it is best to own up and say “I don’t know”. The more you try to ‘appear’ as if you know the answer, the more your vulnerability gets exposed. Also fumbling for the right answer is an equal dampener for your prospects for a good job.
4. Match your strengths and aptitudes with the role:
Another area that requires careful handling is the display of fitment between the role offered by the company and you own strengths and aptitudes. Unless you know what the company wants from the role and what you have in you to fit into it, you will trail behind in the race.
Have clarity of what you are good at and have few true examples from your life to share and prove it. You must demonstrate during campus hiring that due to your unique strengths, you can add a lot of value to the company and to the job role offered. And don’t apply to sit for the process if you dont find this fitment. Better late than sorry is good in the long term.
5. Cracking the BEI code:
Although developed nations adopted competency based Behavioral Event Interviews way back in late 1970, countries like India are monstrously far behind these countries by decades. But multinationals operating in India follow global standards and so many subsidiaries of foreign companies conduct behaviour based interviews in MBA campuses to make high quality selections. Questions that start with “Tell me about a time…”“Can you give me an incident from your life….”“Tell me an instance where…..” and similar such questions that ask you to give specific examples of behavioural actions are indicators of basic level BEI questions. To answer such questions, you need to be honest, emphasise on the situation you faced, what action you took and the outcome that your action generated.
6. Appear nice and fresh:
Dressing in formals is not enough. Get some good sleep to stop looking tired. Don’t smoke a few minutes just before the interview as the smell lingers with you. Make sure you don’t have body odour or stink while you are sitting across the table and speaking. At the same time don’t put too loud perfumes and make-ups. Having a daily bath and clean under garments can add a completely different scale of confidence in you. Unfortunately, some of these basic requirements are forgotten in the mad race and stress of campus hiring and MBA life in general.

7 careers to watch out for in FMCG sector in 2017

FMCG is among the biggest employers in India. Amway India’s Chief Human Resources Officer shares insights into the emerging careers in this section.
FMCG has been one such industry which has been relatively stable and agnostic to the economic ups and downs. We believe that the conventional way of doing business in the FMCG space is getting challenged hence direct selling companies like Amway will stand to gain in the times to come.
Having said that, any skill set which becomes a game changer is what will be most sought after and will demand a premium. Or in other words, talent which provides the competitive edge is what will rule the roost!

Industry will witness a lot of specialists getting acquired. Here are 7 skills/specialist FMCG sector will look out for in the New Year:
1. “Last Mile” specialist:
Logistics and Distribution of any company is as good as it delivers! The consumer delight is when she gets the product not on time but before time!
2. Procurement professionals:
With competitive cost lines and the challenge thereof, specialised procurement skill sets will be of critical value to any FMCG company.
3. Innovators:
Both consumer and customer led innovation will take unprecedented steps forward in its significance to provide the edge that the company will need to handle competition.
4. Information technology:
IT in a FMCG will no more be merely a support function. It is the cutting edge technology which will steer the business and hence IT takes alarming importance.
5. Digital media specialists:
Marketing gets transformed from the conventional to the new age and it is inevitable that a company has to tread the digital path.
6. Organisational development (OD) specialist:
FMCGs will increasingly look at change management and this is the space where OD skill set will find greater space.
7. Sales leaders:
Companies will look out for sales leaders who takes the unchartered path to generate sales – a ‘new age’ approach to sales is the paradigm that all FMCGs are going through in today’s business scenario.

Friday, 6 January 2017

Companies to offer 10% salary hike across industries in 2017

Indian organizations are expected to increase salaries by 10 per cent across industries and career levels in 2017, same as last year, and 54 per cent of the companies are expected to raise their headcount, says a survey.
According to Mercer’s ‘2016 India Total Remuneration Survey’ released today, 10 per cent salary increase is expected across industries in 2017, similar to 2015 and 2016.
“Over the years, salary increase differentiation across industries has narrowed down. Over the last three years, salary increases have stabilised around 10 per cent,” Ruchika Pal, Principal & India TRS Product Leader, Mercer said, adding that “the overall increases including promotions and market corrections, are pegged at 10.8 per cent”.

mong different industries surveyed, the projected salary increase ranges from 10 per cent to 11 per cent overall, with relatively higher increases for the life sciences and shared services industries.
The survey that covered 768 organizations across various industry sectors noted that 13.3 per cent attrition had been recorded across sectors.

Monday, 2 January 2017

7 Skills Every Digital Marketer Will Need In 2017

Today’s digital marketing experts must have a various set of skills, including a refined hold of accessible media channels

With the ever increasing development in digital media every day, there is a steady demand of skilled digital marketing professionals in the related field. Today’s digital marketing experts must have a various set of skills, including a refined hold of accessible media channels, the aptitude to identify the coming opportunities and on top of that having the essential skills of a brilliant marketer. They have to have power over the equilibrium of critical and creative thinking skills in order to make considerable success for the company.
Here are seven of the most considerable skills that is required to be a desirable job applicant in the digital age:

Good communication skills:

Digital Media is a platform where an organisation communicates with its intended audience through text, image or video. The value of the communication will ultimately conclude the outcome of any digital marketing campaign.

A combination of creative and analytical skills:

Digital marketing requires both creative thinking and analytical thinking, so the candidates who are capable and excited about both are more preferred by the digital marketing agencies. The new candidates want to focus solely on one or the other side of the coin, but it’s significant to apply both art and science to each digital program.

Social marketing skills:

Social media is a digital medium which is all about engagement and collaboration. The better you connect with your target audience, the better it will determine your ability to satisfy your customers needs and requirement on this medium. Furthermore, the social skills will help in learning from others and improve the success of your digital marketing campaigns.

Content marketing:

In this era of digital marketing, companies is still struggling with different ways to generate content that actually engages their intended audiences. Companies that have been able to achieve so are enjoying better success in their digital marketing strategies. Expertise to craft an engaging content is at the top of the skills list for 2017 and further.

Pay per click:

One of the most important and growing facets of SEM is pay-per-click service. In order to exhibit abilities in the related area, one need to show that you have the skill to research and analyse the requirement to craft and implement a strong PPC plan that aligns with a marketing strategy of a good reach.

Viral marketing:

Making content to move fast with a high pace is something that grabs the likes of Buzzfeed, Upworthy and ViralNova which have taken to a new level. Only focusing getting the occasional video, blog post, or image to go viral is worth it just from a brand awareness perspective. You should look at how those publishers do it and weave some of those tactics into your marketing campaigns.

Facebook advertising:

Facebook advertising today is as important as Google AdWords today. In any digital marketing strategy Facebook is a very essential component due to its sheer size. Facebook has the ability to drive traffic that almost as relevant as for any business as Google. And just like Google AdWords, it takes a while to comprehend how to work and how to utilise its full capacity for the outcome.

These sectors will generate most jobs in 2017

The beginning of a year rekindles the hopes for new opportunities. Year 2017 is starting at an interesting note when technology is fast becoming the backbone of all life functions and routines, be it jobs or shopping, studying or living.
This sentiment will affect the employment sector as well. “India has enjoyed a good 2016 and going into 2017, we expect the country to continue its positive growth, largely unaffected by the global economic slowdown.
The government’s initiatives such as ‘Make In India’ have created more opportunities for India’s export market, which has led to increased investment in the manufacturing sector”.
While digitisation is being hailed right now because it brings easy access and transparency to system, it also means that some job roles and functions will be redefined. Talking of these, Nicolas Dumoulin shared a list of sectors that are likely to hire in big numbers in the coming year. He also shared the skills that will possibly be in demand in these sectors in the time ahead. Check these here.

Domain – HR

Roles: Total rewards and Talent Management specialists
Specialists should ideally know how to implement innovative compensation and benefit structures that include long and short-term incentive plans such as employee stock options (ESOPs).

Domain – Finance

Roles: Vice-presidents of finance and chief financial officers
Skills in demand include financial planning and analysis, with mature companies and start-ups looking to hire shared services staff and financial controllers.

Domain – Analytics

High demand for analytics professionals such as data scientists, digital analysts, risk modelling and risk strategy professionals as more companies, big and small, build up their analytics capabilities.

Domain – Digital marketing

High demand for marketers with experience in social marketing, digital and SEO marketing who understand how to operate in an “always on” environment with highly targeted marketing messages.

Domain – Logistics and supply chain

Demand for professionals with global logistics experience (including import/export, customs clearance and trade compliance) and deep experience in planning functions (demand and supply, sales and operation planning)

Domain – Strategy and change management

Demand for senior strategy consultants, especially professionals with industry experience in pharmaceutical and health care industry.

Domain – Legal

High demand for more mid-senior level legal professionals as more multinational companies enter the Indian market and have to scale up in-house legal teams.

Want a job? Stick to these 7 commandments

Year 2017 is starting on a hope that the economy will get back to the track and all impending corporate decisions – like hiring – will come back on the track. Industry experts are hopeful that the economy will be able to recover from demonetisation in the first half of the year. Hiring experts are also predicting that recruitment sentiment will be cautious but positive in the coming year.
To understand how job seekers should prepare for the jobs coming their way. Here are her words of advice:
1. Social profile 
Get your social profile in order so that it becomes a magnet for prospective employers.
Put a shortened link of your profile on your CV as well, to let the employers know how connected you are in the industry. It must highlight some critical aspects such as valuable recommendations from senior colleagues, awards and recognitions received and contact details including email/ phone no. to make it easier for a recruiter to reach out to you and avoid delays in the process of recruitment.
2. Well-formatted resume 
An extremely well formatted, one-page resume, with no spelling / grammar / language mistakes shows your seriousness to your employer.
3. Attire
Dress up well in comfortable – business formals, including polished black shoes or other formal footwear. Avoid facial hair, jewellery, accessories, excessive make up and excessive fragrance.
4. Polish your skills 
Polish and hone your skills continuously and learn new things daily.
5. Research about employer 
Use your social connections to find out maximum possible information about your future employer, its work culture, practices etc. Don’t hesitate, go network like a pro.
6. Confidence 
The confidence you ooze at the time of interview can make all the difference to make you stand out from all other candidates, and it comes with practice. Practice speaking in front of mirror and at least memorise your current KRAs and answers to standard questions.
7. Extra-curricular activities
The kind of extracurricular activities you pursue can tell your employer a great deal about the network you have, how productively you spend your time and what you want to achieve in life. It could be fitness, sports, cooking, fine arts, or whatever you love to do.