Monday, 2 January 2017

Want a job? Stick to these 7 commandments

Year 2017 is starting on a hope that the economy will get back to the track and all impending corporate decisions – like hiring – will come back on the track. Industry experts are hopeful that the economy will be able to recover from demonetisation in the first half of the year. Hiring experts are also predicting that recruitment sentiment will be cautious but positive in the coming year.
To understand how job seekers should prepare for the jobs coming their way. Here are her words of advice:
1. Social profile 
Get your social profile in order so that it becomes a magnet for prospective employers.
Put a shortened link of your profile on your CV as well, to let the employers know how connected you are in the industry. It must highlight some critical aspects such as valuable recommendations from senior colleagues, awards and recognitions received and contact details including email/ phone no. to make it easier for a recruiter to reach out to you and avoid delays in the process of recruitment.
2. Well-formatted resume 
An extremely well formatted, one-page resume, with no spelling / grammar / language mistakes shows your seriousness to your employer.
3. Attire
Dress up well in comfortable – business formals, including polished black shoes or other formal footwear. Avoid facial hair, jewellery, accessories, excessive make up and excessive fragrance.
4. Polish your skills 
Polish and hone your skills continuously and learn new things daily.
5. Research about employer 
Use your social connections to find out maximum possible information about your future employer, its work culture, practices etc. Don’t hesitate, go network like a pro.
6. Confidence 
The confidence you ooze at the time of interview can make all the difference to make you stand out from all other candidates, and it comes with practice. Practice speaking in front of mirror and at least memorise your current KRAs and answers to standard questions.
7. Extra-curricular activities
The kind of extracurricular activities you pursue can tell your employer a great deal about the network you have, how productively you spend your time and what you want to achieve in life. It could be fitness, sports, cooking, fine arts, or whatever you love to do.

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